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Let's work together to discover your next step.

Your ‘Why’ and your ‘Purpose’ make the difference for all future life choices.

Rising through the hierarchical ranks in an organisation can be easy – the challenge: ‘Are you rudderless?’ Or ‘Are you purposeful?’  The conversation used to be ‘What is your 5 year plan’. Now we are not sure if we are able to plan for the rest of the year.


As we now know planning has become more challenging as we recognise the VUCA landscape.  However, that doesn’t mean we should stop planning – instead it raises the question ‘how’ we plan.


By understanding your core purpose, gain clarity on your values, challenge outdated beliefs and embrace empowering beliefs, planning will become more agile and meaningful.  Everything you do will be working towards your ultimate goal; understanding, accepting and strengthening who you are in order to achieve whatever it is you want/need to achieve.

“For, in the end, it is impossible to have a great life unless it is a meaningful life.”

— Jim Collins, Business Management, Growth and Sustainability expert


We will :​

  • Explore your purpose.

  • Identify your values and beliefs and discover how these support your purpose.

  • Identify your motivation drivers to enhance and leverage your natural strengths.

You will :

  • Develop greater presence and confidence

  • Gain clarity on your brand.

  • Transfer this knowledge to all your choices.

  • Create alignment in all aspects of your life.

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Does it make any difference to know how you are motivated; have clarity about your purpose; and does it really matter to know, specifically, your values?  And maybe for most people - most of the time - it doesn't.  


However, with Covid-19 we have seen how our world can change in an instant.  Those who are consciously aware of who they are and what they stand for - seem to be able to face each new decision with resilience and agility.  Those who are not sure who they are, what is their purpose and their values seem to find it difficult to generate agility and/or emotional resilience which can result in stress, anxiety and helplessness.

Whilst                   use our own Signature Approach of Pause, Reflect and Move (which is presented below), part of our work is drawing on useful models, theories and psychological tools in order to ensure success is achieved. Here we present the Conscious Competence Model which is useful to recognise our behaviour whilst going through change.   


The choices we make are going to give us

the life we desire.


This model and many others we use, provides examples of how we weave together models/theories, latest research and where possible the emerging neuroscience of how we can effectively bring change in our thinking :


  • which will result in change in our behaviour

  • which will result in change in our actions

  • which will result in change in the success we achieve, however we are measuring success.  


Using our Signature Approach ...

'The pauses in our life make our experiences full and meaningful'.  Tara Brach
Mapping out the territory. How does your purpose align with your life choices?
'Thinking is speech in mind' Thich That Hanh
Exploring Purpose, Values and identifying your motivation What is required for the boost to take place?
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Do you have the patience to wait til your mud settles and the water is clear?'
Lao Tzu, translation by Stephen Mitchell
Boost complete. Drawing on a variety of theories, models and tools, move forward purposefully and with confidence.
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'We learn by practice.  Whether it means to learn to dance by practising dancing or to learn to live by practising living the principles are the same.'  Martha Graham
Live the life you were born for.
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